
RVIVR: Reviving through music

"It doesn't matter where you're from or what you do, music brings us together"

RVIVR, hailing from Olympia, Washington, came to visit Tijuana for a second time as part of their tour for the album "The Beauty Between". In a free show, hosted by the incredible "El Tigre Bar", RVIVR shared with all their fans the strong melodies and honest lyrics they are known for. Usually, there are a lot of free shows hosted by El Tigre Bar, but never have I've seen the place as packed as it was last Saturday. Naturally, I approached the band to talk to them for a little bit. While sharing some drinks, I can tell you honest to God that Erica, Bex, Matty and Kevin are some of the nicest and fun people I've had the pleasure of meeting.

Cortesía Genna Howard
Cortesía Genna Howard

I must confess I hadn't really heard a RVIVR album before that day, but my iPod is stuck on repeat listening to "The Beauty Between", so I didn't know that much about the band other than that they came from very far away and they had some good songs. But it wasn't hard asking them questions from scratch like any new fan would do.

I asked about the band name, which I thought was pretty unusual. RVIVR comes from reviving, as the members of the band felt it was necessary to revive through their music. I also asked a little bit about the band's history. Matt Canino used to play in a band called "Latterman" but at some point they had to split up. So there was this necessity of creating music that spoke about different issues, music that talked about gender equality, sexual freedom, and generally of things that affect us day by day. Fortunately, some of the current and past members of the band were roommates, and this is how little by little RVIVR was formed. RVIVR is not just punk rock, it's music for people that are willing to listen and analyze the message behind the music.

Cortesía Nicole C. Kilbert
Cortesía Nicole C. Kilbert

Shortly after, we then started talking about borders and music, to which Matt started talking about how music transcends these borders.

"I guess that in the end, music just remind us that people are just people, it doesn't matter where you're from or what you do, we are all the same and that's the importance of music", said Matt.


Reminiscing about the first time they played in Tijuana, Bex and Kevin started talking about a place downtown where they once played. In that performacne something really unique happened while they began to play the song "Raindown". It was an outdoor venue and it started raining. "It was like having pyrotechnics but I gues you could call these "hydrotechnics", it was really fun."

Cortesía Nicole C. Kilbert
Cortesía Nicole C. Kilbert

RVIVR is still planning on a big full on tour for the new record and on the words of Erica or Erikaguamas (her new Mexican name), they would love to go to Japan and throughout the rest of Mexico and South America. "It's just nice to go to a place very far away from home and have people be so nice to me and the band, it's a pretty weird but awesome experience" finished Matt.

Video:RVIVR in Tijuana

To listen to more of RVIVR click here.




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