The Institute of Sustainable Mobility of Baja California (IMOS) announced that a reform to the law has been published that requires all vehicles operating under Transportation Network Companies (TNCs) to display a visible badge while in service to ensure greater safety for users of ridesharing companies.

IMOS General Director Jorge Alberto Gutiérrez Topete stated that this reform’s goal is to provide better safety conditions for both users and drivers and decrease the likelihood of any illegal incidents.
He explained that IMOS will provide the necessary badge free of charge to all vehicles operating under TNCs, meaning there will be no additional cost for vehicle owners or drivers, including those already registered with IMOS.
“The reform gives us a 180-day period for TNC operators to obtain their badge. We will be working with them to introduce this ‘card,’ which will be an update to their QR code. It must be installed inside the vehicle and visible from the outside, and it is designed to be easily removable when the car is not in service,” the state official said.
This reform also requires service providers to use vehicles no more than six years old from their manufacturing date.

“Most vehicles providing this transportation service already comply with this requirement. When they register at IMOS, the vehicle must be less than six years old, and it will remain valid if the vehicle is well-maintained and the platform allows it,” Gutiérrez Topete said.
Lastly, the General Director of IMOS reminded the public that registration fee discount decrees for both drivers and vehicles operating under TNCs, issued by Governor Marina del Pilar Ávila Olmeda, are still in effect. He encouraged operators to take advantage of these discounts, as they expire on June 30 of this year. He also highlighted that approximately 70% of drivers operating to date in this capacity have already registered.