Baja California

Did You Know The Mormon Temple of Tijuana Won a World Architecture Award?

The design had to be done three times

TIJUANA.- It's been eight months since the inauguration of the Mormon Temple located near Cerro Colorado. This temple is a three-story structure with white walls, pillars with a Spanish colonial style and words made with gold garnishing the entrance.

A place that very few tijuanenses were able to admire because only members who meet specific standards of living can enter, also, taking photographs inside is prohibited, so people who visited the temple weeks before the inauguration could not take any pictures.

Through page, we learned that at the end of 2015, a contest from the Precast Concrete Institute of America named The Church of Jesus Christ and of Latter-day Saints (La iglesia de Jesucristo de los Santos de los últimos Días) as the Best International Building Structure.

Photo: PCI

According to Wallace Cooper, the project architect, the design had to go through three editions and a series of sketches, because they wanted to create a more visually and striking structure that could contrast with the background of Tijuana.

It was a constant effort to build a temple that said: "You are incredibly important for our church," says Cooper. Finding a suitable local work team was what worried him most, however he said that he did not have to do so: "The final work was fantastic, and everyone did a great job."

Photo: PCI

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